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How do I check my Starlink's usage statistics on the dashboard?

To check upload/download rates, signal quality, obstruction percentage, and latency and ping loss statistics, select the "Dashboard" tab when logged into your account. The Starlink Dashboard is being improved to have a live location map, showing the location and condition of your terminals. The top of the map includes a total number of terminals "online", "offline", and in "no data" status. "Offline" means the terminal has initally been connected to the network, but is currently not connected. "No data" means that the terminal has never been connected to the network.

Next to this summary is a total number of alerts on the account. In the top right corner is a refresh button to refresh the telemetry data on your terminals. There is a search box along the top of the page with expanded capabilities. Exact search can now be used by putting the entire field in quotation marks. For example, if your service line has nickname '123', you can search "123" to pull up only that service line.

Service line search can be done by the following fields:

  • Service Line Nickname
  • Location
  • Serial Number
  • Kit Number
  • User Terminal ID or Starlink ID

The service line list on the left hand side shows a summary of the terminal status on each service line and the number of alerts on that service line. You can click on the 'square with an arrow' to open the individual service line page and manage that service line. If you click on a service line, the map will zoom to that location on the map and summarize recent performance and any active alerts at the bottom of the screen. By using the map, you can filter by terminal status or by specific alerts.

If you filter using any of the options at the top of the page, a "Clear Filters" button will appear along the top of the page. Filters will update the service line list along the left to show terminals displayed on the map. The service line list can be expanded to see a summary of all service line performance metrics by clicking the arrow to the right. In this expanded view, you can sort by a metric by clicking on the header for that metric, and the column that it is being sorted by will have a bold header.

The map can also be changed to show other metrics including obstruction percentage, ping drop rate, ping latency, latest uplink, and latest downlink.

Above the service line list, there is the option to "View Service Lines with No Starlinks" which will open a window allowing you to search by service line number or location.

You can opt-out of the live location map for your account if necessary (i.e. Operational Security) by submitting a support ticket to Starlink Support. If you are opted-out of the live location map, the dashboard will default to the expanded summary of service line data since the map will provide less value. If you wish to opt-back in to the live location map, please submit a support ticket to Starlink Support and we will be happy to assist you.

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