Log in to your Starlink account in order to assign a user (contact) a specific role on your account:
- From your account home page, navigate to the "Settings" page
- In the users section, select "Edit" from the menu to the right of the existing user you wish to edit the role for
- If you do not see the users table, you may not have a role that allows you to see or edit users. Reach out to an admin on your account to update your role if necessary.
- Navigate to the "Roles" field and select the role(s) you wish to assign for this user
- Click "Save" to save/update the roles for this user
Limitation: Maximum number of users per account, including account owner's contact information:
- Residential accounts: 3
- Business accounts: 500
- Enterprise (managed business) accounts: 1500
Once you have reached the maximum number of users for your account, you will see a message stating "You have reached the max allowed users on your account".
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